Contact Us

We provide practical legal solutions to financial services businesses.
Our experienced lawyers expertly break down complex legal issues to help our clients navigate the regulatory landscape.

Contact us to discuss your financial services legal needs.

Paula McCabe

Legal Director, Practice Leader Core Funds, Regulatory and Corporate
+61 2 8556 7560
+61 414 422 491

Robyn Coote

Practice Leader Alternative Funds and Specialist Counsel
+61 2 8556 7560
+61 412 842 552

Catherine So

Practice Leader Governance Risk & Compliance and Specialist Counsel
+61 2 8556 7560
+61 405 981 976

Jennie McQueen

Specialist Counsel
+61 2 8556 7560
+61 499 026 321

Francis Fung

Specialist Counsel
+61 2 8556 7560
+61 411 350 192

Victoria Crisafi

Specialist Counsel
+612 8556 7560
+61 421 272 705

Justin Gross

+61 2 8556 7560
+61 448 009 829

We look forward to hearing from you

PMC FinServices Consulting Pty Ltd ABN 54 151 362 640 (trading as PMC Legal) is a fully incorporated legal practice. We specialise in financial services and managed funds legal matters more particularly. We are not tax advisers. During the course of our relationship, we will provide legal advice to you on a range of financial services matters that affect your business. The precise scope, timing and estimated costs for each matter will be discussed and agreed in writing on a matter by matter basis with you. Our services will be governed by a master engagement letter (the Law Society of NSW calls this a ‘costs agreement’). It outlines the detail of how we do business with each client.

Generally we charge by the hour. For certain projects, we may agree a fixed cost, a cap, a discount hourly rate or a retainer rate. We can discuss and agree these on a matter by matter basis.

As lawyers we have really important confidentiality obligations to clients. Conversations, correspondence and documentation between us and a client are confidential and can only be revealed in limited situations. We must also follow strict rules in the maintenance of client files.

PMC Legal holds professional indemnity insurance (as required by statute) issued by LawCover, the NSW legal professional indemnity insurer. Liability is limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Beyond this, PMC Legal’s liability (if any) is limited to its assets. The provision of legal services by the company, including by any officer or employee who is a solicitor, is regulated by the Legal Profession Uniform 2015 Law.

Please contact us to discuss your financial services needs.